It really does take a village!
The pursuit of making the Olympic Team, something I have only dared to dream before, has finally come true and there are so many people who have helped me make this happen.
My journey began as a high school freshman at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep when I signed up for the Cross Country team to stay in shape for soccer and dance. Little did I know that my high school coach, Andy Chan, would instill in me a passion for the sport that has since defined my lifestyle.
Duke University provided an academic and athletic experience that I will never forget. Kevin Jermyn, my collegiate coach, remained patient with my development as an athlete and he always emphasized the importance of the "team experience". Jon Amt, my confidante and best friend during my years at duke played a huge role in shaping my life as both an athlete and a person. Both Kevin and Jon made me believe that I had the talent to pursue my dreams of becoming a professional athlete.
Coach John Cook has been a savior in my life. He picked me up at one of the lowest moments in my running career, giving me focus and a reason to continue to work hard to become the best that I can be. His compassion and interest in me as a person and his hilarious mannerisms bring absolute joy to my life.
Lenny Stein and Lani Green have worked every muscle, tendon, ligament and joint in my body. Their magic hands have kept my body healthy and strong as I continue to make extreme demands on it. Their nurturing ways have truly made me feel cared for in mind, body and spirit.
Dan Pfaff, an amazingly gifted coach and biomechanics guru, helped unravel my body so I could fully recover from my injury, and then to perfect my form so that I could be as efficient and powerful as possible. His group of athletes welcomed me into their program and kept me motivated when times were really tough.
Alter-G, in Palo Alto, California, allowed me to utilize their G-Trainer early into my recovery process. Their anti gravity treadmill took the fear out of running and enabled me to gradually return to full weight bearing exercise while maintaining my running fitness. Tom Allen, a sales associate at Alter-G, is a wonderful friend with a fun-loving personality and he always manages to bring a smile to my face.
Jim Moriarty, who I had the good fortune of meeting on a 4-hour flight, has been a great friend and a very generous supporter of my running and academic careers. Without his help, this website would not be in existence.
My family and friends are the backbone holding me together. My 92 year-old Nonie has given me nothing but unconditional love my entire life. My Mom and Dad have always been there for me and have always made me their priority. My friends are there to pick me up and cheer me up when life gets a little rough.
It's been an incredible journey and I am so thankful for all of the amazing people that have helped me along the way.